About blockchain bulls

Blockchain Bulls AIMS TO provide the tools and education necessary to tackle the new frontier of digital assets and finance

Since 2016 we have been immersed in the digital asset and trading/investment space. We combine our years of experience with young, open-minded and motivated individuals at the forefront of new technology.

Your education journey with us will be easy to follow with no unnecessary technical jargon and delivered in a practical real life format that can only be taught when you have real experience. We speak plain English and provide solutions that just about anyone can follow and successfully implement.

Blockchain Bulls offers an extensive range of ongoing support and our education programs are not the finish line, they are where our partnership with you begins.

Currently our team is filled with people of all ages and different backgrounds. Chad, Connor, Andrew, Matt, Dougie & Mitch bring multiple skill sets with intense dedication to cater to all age groups and all levels of understanding.


Helping everyday Australians understand the new world of digital assets and cryptocurrency


How do I learn more about what you do?

The most effective way to learn more about what we do is to jump into our FREE telegram channel. There we can share with you our preferred investment strategies as well as how we help people just like you get up and running quickly, safely and with a defined game plan in the cryptocurrency investment journey.

Are your Courses Free?

Blockchain Bulls provides a wide range of free materials.  However, our training courses and the support and coaching which comes with them is high end premium content and as such there are fees associated.  The fees applicable will depend on the services you need, and the best way to find out how we can help you is to join our FREE telegram channel or email us. This will allow us to explain the variety of services we provide and help you gauge what will help you the most.